
Българи в Берлин поискаха оставката на правителството

В Берлин също се проведе протест на наши сънародници с искане за оставка на правителството.

Десетки се събраха с националното знаме и поискаха оставката на кабинета Борисов 3.

2 коментара:

  1. It will not work like this. You can not take down the corrupted government peacefully. You must answer the Evil with Evil - The only way is by using DEATH, FIRE and BLOOD. Sofia's center, including the parliament, must be BURNED DOWN and flattened to the ground along with all the politicians KILLED and EXECUTED publicly inside a burning hot Brazen Bull (like in the Roman Empire). Yes I mean it - you ROAST Boiko Borisov and his crownies to death inside a Brazen Bull in front of the burned Parliament and you broadcast that to every TV channel and around the world.

    Governments must be SLAVES of the peoples. Not the opposite. The democratic voting must be not just for the laws and constitution, but also down to what they get paid. Once there is a protest and they do not do the changes required, then peoples must have the right to ARREST them, JAIL them for life or in the worst case ROAST them inside a Brazen Bull. You hold all government politicians accountable and the country will tick like a Swiss watch.

  2. Гласувайте, за да може по-бързо да задействаме точка 1!

    [Х] ПП БТР България на Труда и Разума

